Monday, May 6, 2019

My 2019 Inquiry

It is a role reversal for myself, being from a release/relief teacher into a full time position, teaching year 2's in a 1:1 iPad classroom. I'm much looking forward to starting this new journey with an amazing class of enthusiastic learners, working with a supportive team, in an innovative learning environment.  What will I embark on my journey? 

For my inquiry - How do Team 2 plan for reading and use the iPads for teaching and learning with their learners? In order to create a follow up activity on the iPads I firstly need to know who my reading groups are and the reading level stages they are currently at.
This would give me a clear idea which reading text would be appropriate for that specific level. Jocelyn Tumahai shared her reading folder as this would be very useful for myself to follow from and continue. As the weeks progressed I became confident to select the right text for each group and into my reading plan.  I also gained helpful advise from Charlotte Gatson about planning and how to align your text with follow up activities.

I've noticed that some of the new PM readers don't have follow up EE activities. This would be an opportunity to create one of my own. During my release time, I got to work with Clarelle Davis. Using her ICT knowledge to create an activity with Explain Everything.  I could remember  taking a toolkit class, where the Explain Everything was briefly mentioned, discussing the basics. But not the full on detailed of what's involved.  By following Clarelle's step by step instructions and being observed, I understood the time factor and thinking of the type of questions (not making it too difficult) suitable to that specific level.  There could be other activities,  such as draw a picture of your favourite part of the story, match the word endings, record yourself reading the book, fill in the missing gaps in sentences, take a photo from the book and write one sentence to describe it, and etc. How the task looks like, how many activities do you want the children to complete is your decision.  I would like my readers to be engaged and challenged, a balance of both.

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